The Queer Space is officially open for 2011! It’s freshly renovated - ready for a new crowd and aiming to provide a safe space on campus for those that identify as Queer (or questioning). Located in the Holme building, there are lounges for you to relax on, plus a kitchen area equipped with a microwave, fridge and boiling water. Just walk past the Courtyard Café and down stairs and there you’ll find it. For the door code, please contact our Queer Event Coordinators via email at
In the middle of March, I put a motion on notice to the USU Board of Directors to change the autonomous status of the Queer Space. Having recently been involved in Queer and Queer-friendly groups such as Shades and the Queer Revue, I noticed the distinctively changed nature of queer activities on campus. It made me rethink whether autonomy of such a space was really necessary anymore. The passion from both sides of the argument was surprising, but truly fantastic – it was great to see strong views from such a large number of people, all of whom evidently care a great deal about this issue.
A queer forum entitled “Should [the Queer Space] remain autonomous?” was held the week before the board meeting, and housed a variety of compelling perspectives. If you are interested in reading the minutes from the meeting, you can read them here. While there was healthy debate on both sides of the argument, the overlying concerns were:
1) The accessibility of the QS for first years who may still be finding their identity;
2) Maintaining it as a space for those that needed it as a refuge and;
3) The uninviting nature of the space
Thanks to everyone who participated in this discussion. The opinions expressed at this forum (as well as the many emails we received) directly informed the board and stands as a compelling example of how a student-run union can significantly influence a student’s experience at university.
In the spirit of maintaining a strong student programme that holds both diversity and inclusivity at its core, there will not be a change to the autonomous status of the space (i.e. it will remain a space for queer-identifying and questioning students only).
Instead, we hope to move in a direction where we can work in conjunction with the Queer Event Coordinators, the SRC Queer Collective, SHADES, the Queer Revue and other student groups to hold an occasional Queer and Queer-friendly event in the space. These will be scheduled and promoted in advance so to not impugn on the otherwise autonomous status of the room.
This is a positive step forward for students and for all stakeholders. These events will act as gateways for new students to discover the space and learn to access it as a source of information, a safe space and to tap into a supportive environment. If students cease to require it under the terms described above, we will re-evaluate.
If you are having any problems at university, please do not hesitate in using the University’s counselling service
As well as the Code of Conduct for Students, the University also has a Discrimination Prevention Policy
Upcoming events:
Queer Space Launch, 5.30pm Monday 4th April [Queer Space]
SHADES First Years Welcome Drinks, 6.30pm Monday 4th April [Hermanns Bar]
Identity, Week 9-13
Pride Week, TBC
Queer Girl Drinks, every Wednesday from 5pm [Manning Bar]
SRC Queer Collective Meetings, every Monday at 1pm [Queer Space]
Queer Revue Writers Workshops, weekly [various, see facebook group]
Thanks again,
Ben Tang
Queer Portfolio
Board Director
Student Life, Student Run: Applications for Humanitarian Week Director/s, Interfaith Week Director/s, O-Week Directors and Hermes Editors still open! Apply now at
29 March 2011
07 March 2011
A whole new brand!
Welcome to the University of Sydney Union! Whether you’re new or returning, this year promises to be packed full of entertainment and services that you want! Whether you were greeted at this years’ nautical themed O-week with an “Ahoy” from our volunteers or you’re only just stepping foot onto campus for the first time, the USU is here to make your life at The University of Sydney more rewarding.
The new look of the union follows extensive research of what we, the students, want. And my oh my has it come out for the better! The sleek modern design and colour scheme ensures that the union stands out yet still maintaining the prestigious bond to the University itself. And if you grabbed yourself an access card you would’ve also picked up a nifty members bag which had in it a brand spanking new-look diary for 2011! We’ve redesigned it, its’ trimmer and classier… well, I think so anyways.
It’s what your student feedback can do. So get involved with us, THE student union. Join a club or society, step up to that lectern and take a stab at debating. Just cruising around campus you say? Well, there’s Manning, Wentworth, and the Holme buildings for you to make yourself a new home away from home. You can choose to do something every day, or just as a spur of the moment. Weekly Tuesday Talks, DJs, bingo, Theatresports, the Union is your oyster!
Care about social justice? Interested in religion? Applications for the new roles of Humanitarian Week Director and Interfaith Week Director are now open, as are Election nominations and Hermes editor sports. And with everyone in recovery mode post O-week, we’re looking for new directors for 2012. Hit for more information.
Enjoy your first weeks of University and Union. See you on campus!
Ben Tang
Board Director
The new look of the union follows extensive research of what we, the students, want. And my oh my has it come out for the better! The sleek modern design and colour scheme ensures that the union stands out yet still maintaining the prestigious bond to the University itself. And if you grabbed yourself an access card you would’ve also picked up a nifty members bag which had in it a brand spanking new-look diary for 2011! We’ve redesigned it, its’ trimmer and classier… well, I think so anyways.
It’s what your student feedback can do. So get involved with us, THE student union. Join a club or society, step up to that lectern and take a stab at debating. Just cruising around campus you say? Well, there’s Manning, Wentworth, and the Holme buildings for you to make yourself a new home away from home. You can choose to do something every day, or just as a spur of the moment. Weekly Tuesday Talks, DJs, bingo, Theatresports, the Union is your oyster!
Care about social justice? Interested in religion? Applications for the new roles of Humanitarian Week Director and Interfaith Week Director are now open, as are Election nominations and Hermes editor sports. And with everyone in recovery mode post O-week, we’re looking for new directors for 2012. Hit for more information.
Enjoy your first weeks of University and Union. See you on campus!
Ben Tang
Board Director
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