19 June 2013

USU June Member Forum

The USU Board is holding the next open Members Forum next Thursday, 20th of June at 6pm in the Holme Student Lounge.

At present the following topics are up for discussion:

1. Proposed dates and times for future Members Forums 
2. Presentation on Universal Access  
3. Capex Request Approval Update 
4. Business arising from last forum: LifeChoice Pamphlet
5. Member Concern: Maintenance and management of the Queerspace and role of the Queer Coordinators 
6. Member Concern: Removal of EFTPOS Minimums 

If you want to contribute:

To ensure your concerns are addressed, please post the up the issues that matter most to you on the USU's Facebook Event or by emailing Astha at president@usu.usyd.edu.au, and we'll be sure to add the most popular topics to the agenda.

Don't forget to bring your Access Card for entry. Refreshments will be provided.

Hope to see you there!

04 June 2013

Further Industrial Action

On Wednesday 5 June a number of university staff will be involved in a 24 hour strike. This strike is part of an ongoing campaign the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) and Community and Public Sector Union for a fair enterprise bargaining agreement.

The university management and staff unions have been negotiating for a new enterprise bargaining agreement since August last year. The unions have achieved some concessions, but have chosen to strike again because they believe that management is not negotiating in good faith. The unions are seeking basic conditions including leave entitlements, funding for career development, and the right to union office space on campus. More information on the EBA campaign can be found here: http://www.nteu.org.au/sydney/article/Compare-the-pair-14559

USU supports the NTEU in its negotiation for a fair enterprise agreement and the right to a safe campus for all staff and students.