Second semester can be characterised by the camp colour, excitement and eccentricity of the revue season where some of Sydney Uni’s most talented people join to show off their writing, directing and acting skills.
Kicking off this week, the revue season will see students from the Architecture, Arts, Commerce, Education and Social Work, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Science faculties as well as the Queer Revue Society head stage bound to sing and dance for all the lols.
Revues are definitely the highlight of being a student at Sydney Uni.
Tickets range from $15 - $30 and can be bought through the links below. Leave political correctness at the door.
Artsmageddon Arts Revue – 23-25 August
Dirty FinancingCommerce Revue – 29-31 August
Wuthering Heights HighEducation and Social Work Revue – 23-25 August
How I Met Your HonourLaw Revue – 29 August – 1 September
Placebo RoyaleMedicine Revue – 12-15 September
Queer Revue – 5-8 September
Sin(x) City Science Revue -
Holy Cow! Now a USU publication. Holy Cow is the start of something new for the Union’s interfaith program and marks the culmination of a mammoth yearlong effort by the Interfaith Directors Lawrence Muskitta and Louise Castle. After a significant amount of entries to the USU’s first interfaith publication, the cream of the crop were picked out a few weeks ago and put together in a neat few pages. Keep an eye out for this one as an insert in the Bull next month. It features poetry, artworks, essays and short stories. I’ve had a peek, and the works are fantastic.
Last Wednesday the Interfaith Directors as well as two Board Directors (Mina and myself) sat down for this semester’s first Interfaith Council meeting. I went to the first Interfaith Council meeting in March, which began as a forum for faith-based societies to come together. Testament to the success of the Council, the September Interfaith Week already looks spectacular with students, representatives of faiths and pollies coming to campus to discuss and debate faith, atheism, sexuality and the state. It all kicks off in just over a month from Monday 3 September – Friday 7 September with an array of events planned over the 5 day schedule.
It was also Board Director Mina Nada’s last time as Chair of the Council and so the group chipped in for a fitting gift… this huge tub of protein:
John Harding-Easson
Board Director
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