20 May 2011

Election Day – Wednesday 25 May!

Get excited! The USU Elections are almost here. Join us on Wednesday 25 May to cast your deciding vote on USU Election Day. Ten candidates are vying for six places on the USU Board - this is your chance to decide who you want leading the USU. As a reward for your zeal for student democracy, voters will receive a free, $5 meal voucher courtesy of the USU.*

Student leadership lets the USU provide the campus with one of the best student experiences in the country. It’s important that students are given the right to govern and help direct the services and programs that benefit fellow students and the entire campus community. Who knows students better than… students?

With this is in mind, the USU is running a brief, one-question poll on the University negotiations to allow members to show their support for the future of this great Union. After casting your vote for the candidates, please take the opportunity to complete this survey question; it will take less than a minute!

The survey will appear in the following form:

The University and the USU are presently engaged in negotiations that will direct the future of the USU and the services it currently provides. The USU runs a range of commercial services for the campus community, including food and retail outlets, the bars and entertainment, as well as a number of student services such as Clubs and Societies, student leadership positions, regular events, competitions and other initiatives. As the future of the Union and its responsibility for these programs and services continues to be negotiated we want to know your feelings. 
The USU Board of Directors is concerned that this model will compromise the Union’s independence and the quality of both the commercial operations and the student experience on campus. The Board is also concerned with the loss of student control of buildings (Manning, Holme and Wentworth) that USU members have funded and run for many years. 
Do you agree that the USU should retain full control over its commercial operations, student experience and buildings? 
Agree/ Disagree

 For Information on Polling locations and times, click here.

*conditions apply

Hermann’s Party
Once all the votes have been cast, Hermann’s Bar will play host to the official Election Night Party. Kicking off at 7.30pm, with free entertainment, the Election Night Party is the place to be when the results are officially announced. More info.

05 May 2011

USU appoints new CEO

Some of you may have been aware that USU's CEO, Paul McJannett, recently announced that he is moving on. Paul leaves after 10 years of loyal service as Chief Executive Officer and 17 years total service to the USU. Paul has been a great champion for the USU in his time here. Amongst his many achievements, Paul led the USU through a troubling VSU environment, helping the organisation bounce back to become the efficient and effective provider of the student experience that it is today.

Paul moves into an advisory role as a handover for the CEO begins this week. Whilst we are sad to lose this long serving member of the USU family, we wish him the best of luck for the next stage of his undoubtedly promising career.

After a very rigorous recruitment and screening process, the USU Board have finally appointed a new CEO. Andrew Woodward, previously the USU's Finance Director, has played a pivotal role over the past 12 months at the USU. Amongst many other things, Andrew has helped to dramatically improve the USU's financial position in 2010 and 2011 and looks forward to playing a significant role in the upcoming negotiations. Andrew is well equipped for the role and we are confident that he will add significant value to the USU.

The Board congratulates Andrew on his successful appointment and we wish him well for the coming months as we continue our provision of the #1 ranked Student Experience in Australia.

Stay tuned for an update on the USU-University Relationship!

David Mann
USU President

04 May 2011

USU Election Campaign Period about to kick off!

As some of you may know, the USU election period kicks off next week on Monday 9th May. By now you've probably seen some serious Facebook activity occurring around specific campaign groups. Get involved, join the groups and check out each candidate and what they stand for.

Over the coming weeks our 10 candidates will be getting their faces and messages out there. If you want to get up close and personal with them, make sure you open our Candidate Booklet coming out with this month's edition of The Bull. If you want to know more, come to our Candidate Soapbox happening this coming Tuesday at 1pm. Watch them defend their policies, address the rumours and sweat it out.

Election Day is on May 25th and it will be a grand occasion. Stop by a booth, vote, collect your meal voucher and enjoy the festivities. The USU is last remaining independent Union in the country. Why is that important? Over the past decade, Student Unions around Australia have had their independent sources of income removed, effectively transferring the control of the student experience on campus to University Administrations. Your USU is the last independent Union that gives genuine control of the student experience to actual elected students. So, make sure you pick the candidates that you feel are the most capable of running the largest, oldest and best Student Union in the country, because it's a big responsibility!

Stay tuned for more blog posts!

David Mann
USU President