26 March 2013

USU Board Supports NTEU's Campaign for Fair Enterprise Bargain

Today and tomorrow some academic staff at the University of Sydney are taking industrial action with the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).

USU Board supports NTEU's campaign for a fair enterprise bargain.

20 March 2013

Thrift Shop at Manning - 99c goes a long way

Last Thursday, Manning Bar put on a hell of a party. Thrift Shop, the first of our two themed events for the semester, saw USYD students embrace the hipster craze.

The event came on the back of a review of USU Parties carried out by Board Directors Sophie Stanton and John Harding-Easson.

In November, the party schedule was revitalised by replacing Beachball and Snowball with themes that were more in line with what students wanted.

Members were encouraged to hop online and vote for their favourite party theme. Over 200 students voted on Facebook, with Thrift Shop coming out on top.

Manning packed in over 1300 op-shoppers to hear our five acts including Tyler Touche.

If you couldn’t make it, check out this cool video put together by our Marketing team:


If you were there, see if you’re in our Facebook album and get tagging!


Don't forget to dig up your old school uniform for the Back to School Party (the second most voted-for theme) this Thursday. There are plenty of best-dressed prizes to set you up for the school year ahead.


See you there! 

The Board of Directors
University of Sydney Union

06 March 2013

NTEU Planned Industrial Action – Tomorrow, Thursday 7 March

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) is taking industrial action this Thursday, 7 March and will be picketing all main entrances to campus from 7am.

The strike has been scheduled because some academic staff members believe the new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) being negotiated between them and the University is unfair. 

An EBA is a voluntary and negotiated agreement between employees (or their union representatives) and their employer. The agreement is designed and tailored specifically to individual workplaces and their environment. 

At the last Board Meeting on 22 February, the USU Board approved a recommendation to support the NTEU’s campaign for a fair enterprise bargain. 

The USU supports EBA processes that are open, accountable and transparent and supports to rights of union members to take industrial action. The NTEU believe that their negotiations have not met this criteria, and for this reason the USU supports their decision. 

If you’d like to know more about the NTEU, the enterprise bargaining process or the planned action, please contact the SRC Education Officers on 9552 9999; or the NTEU USYD branch on 9351 2827.

You can review the following websites for more information:
You can also review the University’s official statement on the matter here: http://sydney.edu.au/news/staff/2576.html?newscategoryid=222&newsstoryid=11078

The USU will continue to operate business as usual on Thursday.  

The Board of Directors
University of Sydney Union