28 August 2013

Wrap-Up of Members Forum

On the 14th of August, the USU Board hosted the first Member’s Forum of Semester 2. This forum allowed for the Board to update members on a range of activities that are occurring within the USU as well as progress on matters raised towards the end of Semester 1.

Following concerns that were raised on social media, the Day of the Dead Party dominated much of this forum. President Hannah Morris was able to inform members that the USU has seriously noted all members concerns regarding the matter and as such will move forward in a two-pronged approach to ensure that USU activities are sensitive to all cultures. The first aspect will involve a Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness Forum which was held on August 27, with a summary of the outcome of this event to be posted here shortly. In addition the Board will be conducting a review into the programs offered by the USU, which, in conjunction with the Commercial Operations Working Party, will analyse party and event themes so that no conflicts or issues arise in the future.

The forum also delivered great news for the gluten intolerant among us. Following member feedback it was confirmed that 5 Seeds Apple Cider is able to be included on the bar tab by C&S Executives and Event organisers, meaning that there is no need to miss out on the many bar tabs held in Manning and Hermanns throughout the year.

Following suggestions by members the Board will be looking into the implementation of Microwaves in Bosch, removing the minimum for EFTPOS transactions as well as a season pass to all revues. An update on these will be provided at the next Member’s Forum in September.

The monthly Member’s Forums present a unique opportunity for the board to directly connect with its members. If you have any concerns, issues or thoughts, no matter how small, come along to our next forum and help us continue to provide an unparalleled student experience.

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