16 April 2012

Coffee Tender Update

The University of Sydney Union has begun the process for selecting a Hot Beverage Supply Contract from 2013 and beyond. The USU’s Fair Trade Working Party, established in 2010, will oversee this process and report its recommendations to the USU Board.

At the most recent Board Meeting, the USU decided that the coffee supplier tender process will call for socially responsible offers only. This reflects the Board’s commitment to contracting with a socially responsible coffee and tea producer.

The defintion of whether a supplier is “socially responsible” will be determined based on the supplier’s accreditation, such as Fair Trade Certification, as well as through the Tertiary Access Group Flag - a thorough corporate social responsibility evaluation to determine the company’s commitment to sustainable and ethical production.

We will be update the blog with information on the process, and welcome your thoughts. Please leave your comments and questions below.

Yours sincerely,

Sibella Matthews
USU President

A rear-view review of Revue Season – Comedy. Music. Nudity.

Yea, look... I know the title was a bit over the top... I may have gotten just a little carried away...

BUT, with Revue Season on the horizon, it’s hard not to be overly excited and to start to let those creative juices flow. So, what are you waiting for – keep reading to see how you can get involved in the 2012 Revues!

Here are some FAQs!

So... What is a revue?
Revues are student-led comedy performances that integrate singing, dancing, sketches and rampant nudity into one mammary-filled, pecker-packed night. Okay, there isn’t actually that much nudity... But, all the scenes, songs and dances are wholly student-devised and the shows are a whole lot of fun to be part of. Most faculties have a revue society and go on revue camps, have crazy parties and get together to rehearse their awesome shows which take to the many stages of the university in second semester each year. Some of them have a ‘clear’ story line and some are just a series of sketches based around a theme. Either way, they are always entertaining, hilarious and impressive.

That sounds awesome Shane... But!... How do I get involved?
Thanks for asking. Regardless of what you are studying and who you are, there is sure to be at least one revue for you. To get involved, you should CLICK HEREBy clicking here you can check out the facebook pages for each revue. If you shoot them a message, a very nice Revue producer or director will reply to you letting you know when the auditions for the next revues are. You can get involved as an ACTOR, SINGER, DANCER, BACKSTAGE, BAND PLAYER OR DIRECTOR/PRODUCER (if you’re really keen and have been at it for a while).

What Revues are there to join?

   Arts Revue
   Law Revue
   Queer Revue
   Jew Revue
   Women's Revue

These links above will take you to the 2011 pages. They should be updated soon!

What if I just want to watch them?
Well, tickets are very affordable and you’re sure to get value for money. I’d say you’re looking at at least 200 laughs in a show. So, doing the maths on those numbers, you’re probably looking at somewhere around ‘20 laughs/$’ (5 cents a laugh) for most shows. Not bad... Keep checking out the website and the facebook pages for the up and coming revues. AND, you get a discount with your super-handy Access card to all revues and shows as well! Blimey!

So, GET INVOLVED! Join a cast, see a show and tell your friends!
Because, revue season is just one quick wardrobe malfunction away...

Shane Treeves
Board Director

03 April 2012

Student Services and Amenities Fee Announcement

Last week the University of Sydney Union (USU) received official confirmation from the University regarding the allocation of the Student Services and Amenities Fee.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Derrick Armstrong confirmed in a letter that the USU will be allocated $3,184,000 of the SSAF funds in 2012, a result the USU is very pleased with as it means financial security for our organisation in 2012 and better service for the campus community.

This year’s allocation has been termed ‘transitional funding’ and a 'one-off arrangement', in recognition of the drastic budgetary model changes brought about by the new legislation.

This means the USU will work with the University during the year to plan future allocations from 2013 onwards, developing proposals which expand our programs and student services, such as possibly establishing a universal Access Benefits Program scheme.

In the meantime, the 2012 allocation puts the USU in a secure position for the year, as the funding represents the equivalent of past funding agreements which ceased at the end of last year. 

The decision on how to distribute the $10.4 million in SSAF funds was recommended by the SSAF Budget Allocation Committee and approved by the Senior Executive Group, which is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor Michael Spence. The distribution was also endorsed by all the student organisations on campus. 

During the process of deliberation, the USU strongly advocated fair distribution of the fees towards only services and programs that genuinely provide value for money and improve student life and welfare on campus.

The USU maintains this belief and hopes for continued investment in our services and programs.

We would love to hear from you, the students; with your ideas and thoughts on what you would like the USU to offer the campus in the future with expanded programs and increased funding that we are aiming to receive in 2013 and beyond.

Let your voices be heard so we can ensure that you benefit from the money you provide.

USU Board of Directors