31 May 2012

Complete the SSAF survey to have a say in where your money goes

At 9.30am on Friday 1 June, you will receive an important email in your inbox. It’s an email from the University with a link to a survey, which gives you the chance to express your opinion on how you feel your compulsory Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) payments should be spent.

The survey will ask you to rate the importance of 19 permissible uses for the SSAF funds, such as supporting student artistic activity, providing food and drink on campus and information to help students in their orientation.

The survey is important as it also gives you the opportunity to comment specifically on where you would like your SSAF money to be invested. The information you provide will be used by the University to determine the 2013 funding priorities, so it’s imperative you take this chance to make your voice heard.

The USU’s main priority is to secure enough SSAF funding to make the Universal Access Scheme a reality, which will see every student who has paid the SSAF able to receive an Access Card and enjoy all the opportunities and benefits at no cost. This will allow you to realise the true value of your SSAF payment through significant discounts both on and off campus, and opens up hundreds of opportunities to be involved in the USU’s wide-ranging student experience programs, including Clubs & Societies, leadership positions, competitions, grants and more.

The ‘transitional funding’ the USU has received from the University will cease at the end of this year, so it’s vital the USU continues to work with the University for a multi-year financial commitment and long-term certainty. At present, the 2012 allocation of $3.184 million puts the USU in a consolidated financial position but unfortunately does not allow longer term planning. The Universal Access Scheme would allow for additional investment into expanding current student programs and the pursuit of new avenues to engage the entire campus community and enrich student life.

If you agree that the SSAF funds should be used to remove financial barriers to a truly inclusive and valuable student experience then please let the University know. Use the 1 June survey to comment on areas of expenditure such as providing food and drink to students on campus or supporting Clubs & Societies. Make it loud and clear to the University that you want value for your SSAF payment, and that means free and Universal Access Benefits.

This is your University and your student experience. Complete the survey. Make your voice heard.

Click here to see the USU's FAQ page on the SSAF.

We would love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts or questions on SSAF funding below.

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