28 May 2012


In case you've missed uni for the past two weeks, we're just letting you know that USU elections are happening this Wednesday on May 30th!
No one's going to say that elections are the highlight of uni life. The campaigners can be in your face when all you want to do is get to your class. 
But elections are an important part of keeping your uni services relevant and representative. So cut some slack to all those kids in coloured shirts begging you for votes on Wednesday.
If you are a currently enrolled student you can vote using your student ID number. Here's what you need to know to get you through the final three days:

Where do I vote?

Who do I vote for?

If you are not sure who to vote for, the candidate booklet is the best source of information, available at voting booths or on our website.
Or just have a chat with the very enthusiastic campaign teams camped outside Manning!
For a more interesting, if less reliable run down on the candidates, check out Honi Soithttp://www.src.usyd.edu.au/honisoit/?q=node/657
This is their cover from last week's election edition, where Board candidates are fighting the omnipotent forces of Vice-Chancellor Michael Spence. Some exaggeration might be involved.

Free Food?

Because we appreciate that campaigns get in your way, and that food is good, we've added a (savoury) sweetener to voting. On 30 May 2012, the USU Board Election Day, voters will be eligible for free BBQ’s all around campus between 11am and 2pm. They will be located on Eastern Ave, Manning Lawns, and Cadigal Green. There will also be a band on Eastern Ave at lunchtime as part of FUNCH (Fun At Lunch, obviously…).
There aret $5 vouchers for voters at The Con, SCA and Mallett St.
Pre-pollers aren't eligible for the free food this year. But if you're pre-polling you're probably more motivated by time anyway.


Polling is open today and tomorrow from 9am-4pm in the top level of Wentworth (International Students Lounge) and the top level of Manning (Barnard Eldershaw Room). Take advantage of the lack of queues and cast your vote!

Happy Voting!

Mina Nada

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